Int. Theologic Academy in Jesus Christ (ITA)
Gwaerbi 138
CH-5054 Moosleerau
Tel. +41 (0)62 726 84 03
Fax +41 (0)62 726 84 04
International Offices:
Fivefold Apostolic Ministries
Apostle Neville Scharneck
18 Jansen Street
P.O.Box 146
SA - Queenstown
Grace Ministries
Apostle Rowland Mogaecho
3 Jimmy Kennedy Cresent
SA - Bloemfontein
Samstag, 17. Juli 2010
About Ruth Ryser
Ruth Ryser is the wife of Dr. Rudolf Ryser. They have been married since 1974. They now have two grown children, a son and a daughter, serving the Lord Jesus. Their son, Andreas, is now the Pastor of the church his father Rudolf founded, Gemeinde in Jesus Christus/ Congregation in Jesus Christ.
Ruth became a Christian in 1984. Her passion is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. It is her desire to train women concerning their marriages, give good council and be a teacher of what is right and noble as it says in Titus 2:3-5.
Her passion and service also includes working diligently with Rudolf Ryser Ministries, their church—Congregation in Jesus Christ and International Theologic Academy in Christ Jesus. Ruth is Rudolf’s right arm helper working as church secretary, office manager, church worship leader and all around partner in ministry. This includes sometimes traveling abroad with Rudolf and ministering side by side with him. Also, Ruth is the translator from English to German for foreign guests that come to Congregation in Jesus Christ.
Ruth holds a Doctor degree in Ministry from Friends International Christian University in Mercedes, California, USA.
Ruth became a Christian in 1984. Her passion is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. It is her desire to train women concerning their marriages, give good council and be a teacher of what is right and noble as it says in Titus 2:3-5.
Her passion and service also includes working diligently with Rudolf Ryser Ministries, their church—Congregation in Jesus Christ and International Theologic Academy in Christ Jesus. Ruth is Rudolf’s right arm helper working as church secretary, office manager, church worship leader and all around partner in ministry. This includes sometimes traveling abroad with Rudolf and ministering side by side with him. Also, Ruth is the translator from English to German for foreign guests that come to Congregation in Jesus Christ.
Ruth holds a Doctor degree in Ministry from Friends International Christian University in Mercedes, California, USA.
- Rudolf Ryser in Jesus Christ Ministries:
- Gemeinde in Jesus Christus/Congregation in Jesus Christ:
- International Theologic Academy:
- Neue Lebenskraft:
- Apostolic Ministry Convene Switzerland:
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- Destiny Image Europe:
- Alan Pateman Ministries International:
Banking details
Account of:
Int. Theologic Academy in Jesus Christ
Gwaerbi 138
CH-5054 Moosleerau
Account no. 16 0.031.369.06
Bank Kirchleerau
CH-5054 Moosleerau
Clearing No 6588
IBAN: CH86 0658 8016 0031 3690 6
BIC Code RBABCH22588
Int. Theologic Academy in Jesus Christ
Gwaerbi 138
CH-5054 Moosleerau
Account no. 16 0.031.369.06
Bank Kirchleerau
CH-5054 Moosleerau
Clearing No 6588
IBAN: CH86 0658 8016 0031 3690 6
BIC Code RBABCH22588
Things worth knowing
The ITA language is German or English.
It is left to every student to learn at his own pace.
Therefore, he has the possibility to study full time or part time.
ITA however recommends at least one hour of study per day.
Exams are done in any one of our training centers. These exams are done individually.
The students will receive a written notice of the themes of the test, four weeks in advance.
It is left to every student to learn at his own pace.
Therefore, he has the possibility to study full time or part time.
ITA however recommends at least one hour of study per day.
Exams are done in any one of our training centers. These exams are done individually.
The students will receive a written notice of the themes of the test, four weeks in advance.
Who is admitted?
All who are interested in the Word of God and its manifestation are welcome.
At ITA the Bible is taught in an integrated way:
Theology, apologetic and philosophy are the main parts.
Special value is placed in practical mission.
Pertaining to that are proclamation of the Word, leadership, evangelisation, missions and serving in the gifts of the Spirit (everything in the mercy of Christ Jesus).
Theology, apologetic and philosophy are the main parts.
Special value is placed in practical mission.
Pertaining to that are proclamation of the Word, leadership, evangelisation, missions and serving in the gifts of the Spirit (everything in the mercy of Christ Jesus).
Training Program
At ITA you can be newly trained to be of service in the Kingdom of God,
or (if you have already been trained) you can be further enhanced to continue your service.
The curriculum is carried out by correspondence.
Students have to undergo an examination thereafter.
The head office of ITA is based in Switzerland.
There are further training offices in South Africa and in Ghana.
or (if you have already been trained) you can be further enhanced to continue your service.
The curriculum is carried out by correspondence.
Students have to undergo an examination thereafter.
The head office of ITA is based in Switzerland.
There are further training offices in South Africa and in Ghana.
Training Goal
The training goal is to equip leaders to have responsibility in the kingdom of God.
For this purpose it is necessary to be able to work under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
The stability in faith, in confidence and the security in the divine principles are targeted.
On completion of the training, a student will be capable to carry out his calling and his office in spiritual maturity
He will have learned to serve, teach, train, lead and to work in the Mission field.
Signs and miracles will confirm the growth of the student.
He is a worker of God, who helps to build the body of Christ Jesus according to the will of the Heavenly Father.
This goal will be reached under the anointed leadership of the spiritual fathers.
For this purpose it is necessary to be able to work under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
The stability in faith, in confidence and the security in the divine principles are targeted.
On completion of the training, a student will be capable to carry out his calling and his office in spiritual maturity
He will have learned to serve, teach, train, lead and to work in the Mission field.
Signs and miracles will confirm the growth of the student.
He is a worker of God, who helps to build the body of Christ Jesus according to the will of the Heavenly Father.
This goal will be reached under the anointed leadership of the spiritual fathers.
Confirmation of your calling
According to Christ Jesus, everyone is supposed to be a light in the darkness and to distribute the Word right.
The specially adapted training is tailored to the individual's calling.
ITA will take special care in mentoring and coaching every student and supports their potential and spiritual maturity.
The specially adapted training is tailored to the individual's calling.
ITA will take special care in mentoring and coaching every student and supports their potential and spiritual maturity.
Why a further education at the ITA?
Discovery of the logic of God:
Searching in the Word of God reveals that there is a systematic theology.
Through this revelation the working in the gifts increases.
Healings, signs and miracles, which follow the Word of God, will manifest.
Searching in the Word of God reveals that there is a systematic theology.
Through this revelation the working in the gifts increases.
Healings, signs and miracles, which follow the Word of God, will manifest.
Practiced learning... has eternal value!
The goal is to recognize the individuals calling and to let him walk in it.
All people are supposed to be able to work powerfully in the gifts of the Spirit and in the anointing of God.
And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe; in My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages;
They will pick up serpents; and (even) if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will get well.
And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord kept working with
them and confirming the message by the attesting signs and miracles that closely accompanied (it). Amen (so be it) (Mark 16:17-18,20).
All people are supposed to be able to work powerfully in the gifts of the Spirit and in the anointing of God.
And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe; in My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages;
They will pick up serpents; and (even) if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will get well.
And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord kept working with
them and confirming the message by the attesting signs and miracles that closely accompanied (it). Amen (so be it) (Mark 16:17-18,20).
Students grow during the learning process
And the instructions which you (Timothy) have heard from me (Apostle Paul) along with many witnesses, transmit and entrust (as a deposit) to reliable and faithful men who will be competent and qualified to teach also others (2 Timothy 2:2).
Whoever takes this statement from Paul to heart will recognize God's width, length, height and depth more and more and deepens his relationship with Him.
Therefore learning is more than useful; it is essential in order to be firmly grounded in Christ Jesus.
Whoever takes this statement from Paul to heart will recognize God's width, length, height and depth more and more and deepens his relationship with Him.
Therefore learning is more than useful; it is essential in order to be firmly grounded in Christ Jesus.
Dean of Students Rowland Mogaecho

Ever since I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ in 1978, it has been my desire to learn more and more about the Lord. One of the ways to grow spiritually, is by intensively studying the Word of God. Like a new born baby, I love the sincere “milk” of the Word. (1 Peter 2:2) No wonder I have so many different translations of the Bible and I am still planning to get more.
I first met Dr. Rudolf Ryser in 1999 when he came to visit our church in Bloemfontein, South Africa. I was privileged to be his interpreter when he ministered in our church. I quickly observed that he was very well rooted in the Word of God and I saw over 500 people healed and delivered in an instant.
Shortly after beginning a new ministry in 2003, the Lord in a mysterious way, has connected Dr. Rudolf and our church. We have now become one.
This is how I heard about ITA. I have had the honour of meeting all the people who are involved in ITA. I can assure every one who wants to study through ITA that it is the best thing you can do to yourself. They are people of excellence, integrity and they are well rooted in the Word. The teachings are intense and Word-based. Solid food for the mature child of God! Real scriptural “steak” for them that are of full age! (Heb. 5:14)
Moreover, those who know me well know how I love to do research about the ancient land of Israel and its people. That is one of the reasons why I have subscribed to Bridges for Peace and Jews for Jesus. I have now met one of the people involved in ITA, namely Dr. Peter H. Kallert who has partaken in many archaeological researches and has written his thesis in that field. I will now have the privilege of learning how archaeology confirms the Word of God. How excited I am about this!
I am now going to make myself available as part and parcel of ITA. I am now going to promote ITA in South Africa and wherever I go.
So I advise you to get hold of an application form and enrol as a student of ITA.
God bless you as you grow in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Rowland D. Mogaecho, Pastor
Dean of Students, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Dean of Students Dr. Neville Scharneck

In order to be used by Christ Jesus, an intense study of the Word of God is a very important part of the training process!
It fascinates me again and again when I see the devotion of the men and women of God who train to become proven, honest and flawless workers who rightly distribute the Word of Truth.
I have known some of the leaders of ITA for many years and have had the opportunity to check their lives.
Their positive influence, as well as the divine calling upon their life, persuaded me to commit myself to ITA and to make my services available for it.
I see ITA as a powerful blessing of God to equip leaders in all nations.
I am proud of being united with ITA by the grace of God.
The ITA offers powerful and practical teachings that leave you with the hope to successfully reach the goals that you have before you.
It is the vision of God that the commandment which Christ Jesus has given all of us is carried out: To proclaim the Gospel to the whole world.
Neville Scharneck, Pastor
D.D (Doctor in Divinity)
Dean of Students, Queenstown, South Africa
Dean of Students Andreas Ryser

ITA supports you as an individual to realize the will of your heavenly Father.
In order for you to achieve the vision that Christ Jesus has given you, ITA offers you healthy ground for much fruit that glorifies God.
In ITA you not only get theory, but also life-
changing experiences through the Holy Spirit, affecting your own life, your country and the whole world.
People, who eat Jesus Christ as food (John 6:35), grow and are true witnesses in the whole world.
The good news is proclaimed and His wisdom taught.
In this process Christ Jesus will be glorified. Hallelujah!
I recommend ITA to you wholeheartedly.
Request your application documents today!
Andreas Ryser, Pastor
MBS (Master in Biblical Studies)
Dean of Students International
Statement of Faith
Statement of faith:
Rudolf Ryser Ministries is interdenominational and evangelistic in nature.
We believe in:
Rudolf Ryser Ministries is interdenominational and evangelistic in nature.
We believe in:
- The Bible as the inspired and infallible Word of God.
- One God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
- The virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ, His explicit atoning death, bodily resurrection and ascension.
- Salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.
- The sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit who enables a believer to live holy.
- The power of the cross and of the Holy Spirit as source for godly living.
- God's unconditional love who permeates the believers attitudes, motives, thoughts,words and action.
- The gifts of the Holy Spirit and that they are given to us for edification, of exhortation and comfort.
- The praying in tongues is to build up ourselves in the most holy faith (Judas 1;20) and helps us in our weakness and makes intercession for us (Romans 8;26+27).
- The free access of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer to teach him, to give him gifts and to manifest the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The growing in godliness.
- The cultivation of dynamic devotion.
- The intimate relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- Love as motive for our godliness.
- The goal to glorify God.
- The spiritual gifts which authenticate through love.
- The return of Jesus Christ.
About Dr. Ruth Ryser

One of them is the effect which the learning of the Word of God has on an individual.
As my husband began to study the Bible, his behaviour-pattern changed so dramatically that I asked him:
“Why are your reactions so different? What can I do in order to change and grow in Jesus Christ like you did?”
He revealed his secret to me: “I read one chapter in Proverbs and one Psalm a day and I gave the Word of God the opportunity to work on my personality.”
That encouraged me to study the Bible intensively too.
Since then I observed this phenomenon again and again.
As soon as somebody seriously begins to study the Word of God, he becomes more sociable and to live with this person becomes more pleasant.
He is free to minister to others and that changes his whole life completely.
Therefore, I'm recommending everyone to accept this challenge and to make himself available to be changed by Jesus Christ.
Ruth Ryser,
D.Min. (Doctor in Ministry) ITA Professor
About Dr. Rudolf Ryser

Now a new generation grows up who God is preparing for these last days who will point to His honour and His glory without looking for fame for themselves.
We as reborn Christians claim that the Bible is the Word of God. I’m backed up by the highest authority existing, the authority of Jesus Christ, the son of God, who has the right to say: “I am the truth” (John 14:6a).
Others claim that the Bible are words of men. They are backed up by the authority of the human mind which is darkened through sin. This is exceeding the limits of its capability by far.
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:14: “The man without the Spirit – that is the man of the mind – does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
It honours the Bible that these people say that it can not be grasped by the mind. That is certainly true but it is not very scientific since they say at the same time that everything that can not be grasped intellectually is a myth, a legend or a fairy tale.
At ITA we are teaching that Jesus Christ is the authority, that we have to submit to Him and to think and act like Him. The Word of the Lord remains in eternity, that means it overrules space and time.
ITA was founded for all who are hungry and ready to experience a holistic manifestation in these last days which God is keeping ready for the Body of Christ.
Rudolf Paul Ryser, Apostle
Prof. D.Min. Ph.D.,
(Doctor in Ministry, Doctor in Philosophy),
Founder and President ITA
Ordination in South Africa
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